Grab bars are among the most effective and affordable accessible home modifications you can make, and they are nigh on essential for senior citizens who want to ensure their safety. When it comes to the risk of falling, bathrooms are one of the highest-risk areas, with slippery and hard floors. Properly installed grab bars can provide increased stability when using the toilet, shower, or bath.
But when considering installing grab bars in a home, it is common to ask: Just how high should grab bars be installed?
Generally, grab bars should be installed at whatever height is most appropriate for their primary user. According to ADA standards that rear grab bars should be installed at the height of between 33 and 36 inches above the finished floor of the tub, shower, or bathroom. This is a good starting range.
That said, whilst it is advisable to consider this range as a guide for installation, the best height for grab bars is always going to be where it will be the most secure and comfortable for the intended user. A petite person will need grab bars placed at a lower position than a tall person, and a raised toilet seat will change things too. And, of course, if you don’t install the bars in the right place, they are unlikely to be used by the person they are intended it for!
Before installing grab bars, it is wise to pay attention to the motions of the intended users’ bathroom routine to identify the areas where they naturally require support and the height at which bars will be most suitable for them.
Taking note of these areas is crucial, especially in transfer settings like rising from the toilet seat, sitting down, and entering or exiting the bathtub or shower.
In the case when a person can complete the routine without help, it is critical to note if they feel dizzy, weak, or too tired at any point and to place support strategically to accommodate this.
If you’re having any trouble working out the best placement options available for you, it might be worth working with a competent occupational therapist to assess the ideal grab bars height and design a personalized home remodeling plan that will enhance safety, stability, and functionality.
On a separate note, if your bathroom has a towel bar installed it might be worth considering replacing this with a grab bar instead. The new bar can serve as the towel bar, whilst also providing great stability when entering and exiting the shower.
Finally, whilst this article has specifically addressed bathroom grab bar height, it is also worth considering installing grab bars in other places in your home. Having them alongside steps can greatly increase your stability, safety, and independence at home!
Post time: Sep-07-2022